* previously at Houston

College Bests

60 100
11.84 (0.1)
24.69 (0.6)
NCAA West First Round    May 22-25, 2024
4x100 46.49 22nd (P)
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship    May 9-11, 2024
100 11.84 (0.1) 25th (F)
200 24.95 (2.1) 33rd (P)
4x100 44.22 6th (F)
Arkansas Twilight    May 3, 2024
100 12.03 (-1.1) 7th (F)
Rock Chalk Invite    Apr 27, 2024
100 11.86 (3.3) 7th (F)
200 24.85 (5.7) 11th (F)
John Jacobs Invitational    Apr 12-13, 2024
100 11.82 (2.2) 7th (F)
200 25.21 (3.7) 19th (F)
4x100 46.29 2nd (F)
Clyde Hart Classic    Mar 22-23, 2024
100 12.05 (-0.4) 22nd (F)
200 25.32 (1.8) 43rd (F)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024    Mar 15-16, 2024
100 12.09 (0.4) 9th (F)
4x100 45.26 3rd (F)
Big 12 Indoor Track & Field Championships    Feb 23-24, 2024
60 7.66 28th (P)
Charlie Thomas Invite - Saturday    Feb 3, 2024
60 7.78 12th (P)
Corky Classic    Jan 19-20, 2024
200 26.12 17th (F)
McFerrin-12 Degree Invite    Jan 13, 2024
60 7.88 21st (P)
200 26.28 18th (F)
JD Martin Invitational    Dec 9, 2023
60 7.72 9th (P)
Corky/Crofoot Shootout    Apr 28-29, 2023
100 11.87 (3.2) 18th (F)
200 24.69 (0.6) 19th (F)
John Jacobs Invitational    Apr 21-22, 2023
100 12.00 (2.4) 5th (F)
200 25.18 (0.8) 4th (F)
Sooner Invitational & Multis    Apr 14-15, 2023
100 12.07 (2.1) 10th (P)
200 25.28 (-3.9) 19th (F)
JD Martin Invitational    Jan 21, 2023
60 7.79 12th (P)
200 26.48 11th (F)
Kansas State Winter Invite    Dec 10, 2022
60 7.75 2nd (F)
300 42.61 4th (F)
John Jacobs Invitational    Apr 22-23, 2022
100 11.97 (4.2) 14th (F)
200 24.79 (2.4) 16th (F)
Sooner Invitational    Apr 15-16, 2022
100 12.23 (1.8) 16th (P)
200 26.01 (0.8) 20th (F)
TCU Invitational    Mar 18-19, 2022
100 12.33 (0.1) 26th (F)
200 25.52 (1.3) 34th (F)
Kansas State Winter Invitational    Dec 11, 2021
60 7.90 13th (F)
300 44.41 19th (F)
4x400 4:28.56 3rd (F)
↓Competing for Houston
Tom Tellez Invitational    May 7, 2021
100 12.04 (3.3) 8th (F)
200 25.20 (2.1) 12th (F)
J Fred Duckett Twilight Meet    Apr 24, 2021
100 12.22 (0.2) 9th (F)
200 25.19 (2.1) 26th (F)
LSU Boots Garland Invitational    Apr 17, 2021
100 12.36 (3.3) 25th (F)
200 25.73 (0.8) 24th (F)
Texas A&M Team Invitational    Apr 9-10, 2021
100 12.13 (1.8) 12th (F)
4x100 47.30 8th (F)
Houston Alumni    Apr 3, 2021
100 12.28 (1.0) 7th (F)
200 25.58 (1.6) 8th (F)
4x100 47.77 3rd (F)
The 38th Victor Lopez Classic    Mar 27, 2021
100 12.36 (0.1) 4th (F)
200 25.56 (-0.6) 11th (F)
Cougar Spring Break    Mar 18, 2021
200 25.80 (0.9) 13th (F)
4x100 46.51 2nd (F)
H-Town SpeedCity Series IV    Feb 28, 2021
60 7.86 5th (F)
60 7.91 7th (P)
H-Town SpeedCity Series II (Women)    Jan 29, 2021
60 7.99 16th (P)
200 26.37 19th (F)
H-Town SpeedCity Series I    Jan 16, 2021
60 7.88 2nd (F)
60 7.94 3rd (P)
60 Meters (Indoor)
Big 12 Indoor Track & Field Championships Feb 23-24, 2024
Charlie Thomas Invite - Saturday Feb 3, 2024
McFerrin-12 Degree Invite Jan 13, 2024
JD Martin Invitational Dec 9, 2023
JD Martin Invitational Jan 21, 2023
Kansas State Winter Invite Dec 10, 2022
Kansas State Winter Invitational Dec 11, 2021
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series IV Feb 28, 2021
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series IV Feb 28, 2021
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series II (Women) Jan 29, 2021
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series I Jan 16, 2021
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series I Jan 16, 2021
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.84 (0.1)
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
12.03 (-1.1)
Arkansas Twilight May 3, 2024
11.86 (3.3)
Rock Chalk Invite Apr 27, 2024
11.82 (2.2)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 12-13, 2024
12.05 (-0.4)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
12.09 (0.4)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 Mar 15-16, 2024
11.87 (3.2)
Corky/Crofoot Shootout Apr 28-29, 2023
12.00 (2.4)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 21-22, 2023
12.07 (2.1)
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
11.97 (4.2)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 22-23, 2022
12.23 (1.8)
Sooner Invitational Apr 15-16, 2022
12.33 (0.1)
TCU Invitational Mar 18-19, 2022
12.04 (3.3)
* for Houston
Tom Tellez Invitational May 7, 2021
12.22 (0.2)
* for Houston
J Fred Duckett Twilight Meet Apr 24, 2021
12.36 (3.3)
* for Houston
LSU Boots Garland Invitational Apr 17, 2021
12.13 (1.8)
* for Houston
Texas A&M Team Invitational Apr 9-10, 2021
12.28 (1.0)
* for Houston
Houston Alumni Apr 3, 2021
12.36 (0.1)
* for Houston
The 38th Victor Lopez Classic Mar 27, 2021
200 Meters (Outdoor)
24.95 (2.1)
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
24.85 (5.7)
Rock Chalk Invite Apr 27, 2024
25.21 (3.7)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 12-13, 2024
25.32 (1.8)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
24.69 (0.6)
Corky/Crofoot Shootout Apr 28-29, 2023
25.18 (0.8)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 21-22, 2023
25.28 (-3.9)
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
24.79 (2.4)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 22-23, 2022
26.01 (0.8)
Sooner Invitational Apr 15-16, 2022
25.52 (1.3)
TCU Invitational Mar 18-19, 2022
25.20 (2.1)
* for Houston
Tom Tellez Invitational May 7, 2021
25.19 (2.1)
* for Houston
J Fred Duckett Twilight Meet Apr 24, 2021
25.73 (0.8)
* for Houston
LSU Boots Garland Invitational Apr 17, 2021
25.58 (1.6)
* for Houston
Houston Alumni Apr 3, 2021
25.56 (-0.6)
* for Houston
The 38th Victor Lopez Classic Mar 27, 2021
25.80 (0.9)
* for Houston
Cougar Spring Break Mar 18, 2021
200 Meters (Indoor)
Corky Classic Jan 19-20, 2024
McFerrin-12 Degree Invite Jan 13, 2024
JD Martin Invitational Jan 21, 2023
* for Houston
H-Town SpeedCity Series II (Women) Jan 29, 2021
300 Meters (Indoor)
Kansas State Winter Invite Dec 10, 2022
Kansas State Winter Invitational Dec 11, 2021
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 12-13, 2024
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 Mar 15-16, 2024
* for Houston
Texas A&M Team Invitational Apr 9-10, 2021
* for Houston
Houston Alumni Apr 3, 2021
* for Houston
Cougar Spring Break Mar 18, 2021
4 x 400 Relay (Indoor)
Kansas State Winter Invitational Dec 11, 2021

2024 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.84 (0.1)
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
12.03 (-1.1)
Arkansas Twilight May 3, 2024
11.86 (3.3)
Rock Chalk Invite April 27, 2024
11.82 (2.2)
John Jacobs Invitational April 12-13, 2024
12.05 (-0.4)
Clyde Hart Classic March 22-23, 2024
12.09 (0.4)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 March 15-16, 2024
200 Meters
24.95 (2.1)
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
24.85 (5.7)
Rock Chalk Invite April 27, 2024
25.21 (3.7)
John Jacobs Invitational April 12-13, 2024
25.32 (1.8)
Clyde Hart Classic March 22-23, 2024
4 x 100 Relay
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
Big 12 Outdoor Track & Field Championship May 9-11, 2024
John Jacobs Invitational April 12-13, 2024
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 March 15-16, 2024

2024 Indoors

60 Meters
Big 12 Indoor Track & Field Championships February 23-24, 2024
Charlie Thomas Invite - Saturday February 3, 2024
McFerrin-12 Degree Invite January 13, 2024
200 Meters
Corky Classic January 19-20, 2024
McFerrin-12 Degree Invite January 13, 2024

2023 Indoors

60 Meters
JD Martin Invitational December 9, 2023
JD Martin Invitational January 21, 2023
200 Meters
JD Martin Invitational January 21, 2023

2023 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.87 (3.2)
Corky/Crofoot Shootout April 28-29, 2023
12.00 (2.4)
John Jacobs Invitational April 21-22, 2023
12.07 (2.1)
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023
200 Meters
24.69 (0.6)
Corky/Crofoot Shootout April 28-29, 2023
25.18 (0.8)
John Jacobs Invitational April 21-22, 2023
25.28 (-3.9)
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023

2022 Indoors

60 Meters
Kansas State Winter Invite December 10, 2022
300 Meters
Kansas State Winter Invite December 10, 2022

2022 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.97 (4.2)
John Jacobs Invitational April 22-23, 2022
12.23 (1.8)
Sooner Invitational April 15-16, 2022
12.33 (0.1)
TCU Invitational March 18-19, 2022
200 Meters
24.79 (2.4)
John Jacobs Invitational April 22-23, 2022
26.01 (0.8)
Sooner Invitational April 15-16, 2022
25.52 (1.3)
TCU Invitational March 18-19, 2022

2021 Indoors

60 Meters
Kansas State Winter Invitational December 11, 2021
H-Town SpeedCity Series IV February 28, 2021
H-Town SpeedCity Series IV February 28, 2021
H-Town SpeedCity Series II (Women) January 29, 2021
H-Town SpeedCity Series I January 16, 2021
H-Town SpeedCity Series I January 16, 2021
200 Meters
H-Town SpeedCity Series II (Women) January 29, 2021
300 Meters
Kansas State Winter Invitational December 11, 2021
4 x 400 Relay
Kansas State Winter Invitational December 11, 2021
↓Competing for Houston

2021 Outdoors

100 Meters
12.04 (3.3)
Tom Tellez Invitational May 7, 2021
12.22 (0.2)
J Fred Duckett Twilight Meet April 24, 2021
12.36 (3.3)
LSU Boots Garland Invitational April 17, 2021
12.13 (1.8)
Texas A&M Team Invitational April 9-10, 2021
12.28 (1.0)
Houston Alumni April 3, 2021
12.36 (0.1)
The 38th Victor Lopez Classic March 27, 2021
200 Meters
25.20 (2.1)
Tom Tellez Invitational May 7, 2021
25.19 (2.1)
J Fred Duckett Twilight Meet April 24, 2021
25.73 (0.8)
LSU Boots Garland Invitational April 17, 2021
25.58 (1.6)
Houston Alumni April 3, 2021
25.56 (-0.6)
The 38th Victor Lopez Classic March 27, 2021
25.80 (0.9)
Cougar Spring Break March 18, 2021
4 x 100 Relay
Texas A&M Team Invitational April 9-10, 2021
Houston Alumni April 3, 2021
Cougar Spring Break March 18, 2021
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.84 (0.1)
12.23 (1.8)
(Apr 15-16, 2022)
* for Houston
12.13 (1.8)
(Apr 9-10, 2021)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
25.32 (1.8)
(Mar 22-23, 2024)
24.69 (0.6)
(Apr 28-29, 2023)
25.52 (1.3)
(Mar 18-19, 2022)
* for Houston
25.56 (-0.6)
(Mar 27, 2021)
60 Meters (Indoors)
(Dec 9, 2023)
(Dec 10, 2022)
* for Houston
(Feb 28, 2021)
200 Meters (Indoors)
(Jan 19-20, 2024)
(Jan 21, 2023)
* for Houston
300 Meters (Indoors)
(Dec 10, 2022)