January 22-23, 2010
Iowa State-Leid Rec Center - Ames, IA
300m (Flat)

Women's Distance Medley Relay

1 Iowa State A Erin Penticoff, Kaylee Small, Molly Lohry, Lisa Koll 11:47.6 15:05.7
2 Iowa State
D Semehar Tesfaye, Kim Brown, Dani Stack, Alphine Tuliamuk 12:09.92 8:45.55
3 Drake A Katie Coomer, Caitlin Able, Kara McCartney, Casey McDermott 12:11.95 12:33.91
4 U. of Mary A Melissa Agnew, Betsy Bischoff, Brandee DeVine, Dakota Wolf 12:19.56 11:42.59
5 Truman State A Fiona Williams, Stephanie Simpson, Anne Ratermann, Dani Dell'Orco 12:20.33 8:45.64
6 Morningside A Jessica Hudelson, Margo Stanforth, Heather Hoefs, Kara Nelson 12:22.41 10:23.63
7 Bradley A Mary Goldkamp, Michelle Hartman, Leann Murphy, Lauren Fog 12:22.99 9:46.97
8 Iowa State
B Ines Fischer, Shaylyn Wiarda, Brittany Rover, Betsy Saina 12:28.74 10:51.41
9 Western Illinois A Chelsea Lynes, Miranda Brockman, Amy Byers, Heather Wetzel 12:29.02 9:14.28
10 Iowa State
C Kelli Oettle, Christine Fries, Katie Thompson, Paige Ties 12:40.38 13:03.20
11 Bradley
C 12:45.03 14:01.54
12 Black Hills State A 12:52.79 15:27.35
13 Drake
B Kirsten Lake, Beth Hamling, Clarissa LaFlora, Cammy Dole 12:53.49 12:07.08
14 Nebraska-Omaha A Nicole Behm, Anja Puc, Lisa Tesarek, Brittany Phillips 12:57.18 15:24.85
15 Grand View Univ. A Betsy Craig, Whitley Schertz, Brittany Riley, Obsie Birru 12:59.22 10:31.17
16 Bradley
B Rachel Brubaker, Erika Sepich, Amanda Switzer, Tracy Lotter 13:07.91 14:42.46
17 Southwest Baptist A Melanie McVay, Katie Dusenburg, Mandy Brady, Christina Owensby 13:08.02 12:36.50
18 Southwest Baptist A 13:10.79 9:37.28
19 Highland CC A Jillian Linnebur, Nikki Lewis, Denise Smith, Angie Turner 13:11.03 15:49.24
20 Lindenwood A Francine Nzilampa, Rachel Hemphill, Jan Bennett, Caitlyn Sandquist 13:18.32 12:14.46
21 Western Illinois
B Julie Dietsch, Abbey Sawyer, Katie Jay, Josi Parker 13:21.41 12:25.32
22 North Iowa Area Comm A Monica Garcia, Marielle Svardh, Sammy Nelson, Kalyn Kruckenberg 13:30.2 9:59.5
23 Southwest Baptist
B Chelsea Strahm, Annie Wolfe, Karissa Fisher, Camrie Nixon 13:43.12 14:32.51
24 Butler CC A Katie Bruner, Lizzy Spence, Lupe Burciaga, Renee Simon 13:54.2 14:10.8
25 johnson county cc A Alison Bailey, Emily Tysick, Michelle Smith, Samantha DuPree 14:09.61 18:24.50
0 Unattached
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 Iowa State Penticoff, Small, Lohry, Koll 10:36.8 14:02.0 11:19.2 9:26.0 11:47.6 12:08.8 10:01.4
2 Iowa State
Tesfaye, Brown, Stack, Tuliamuk 14:21.31 9:14.74 13:52.11 11:55.33 12:09.92 9:36.64 11:26.13
3 Drake Coomer, Able, McCartney, McDermott 13:47.11 8:47.01 11:20.72 10:58.76 12:11.95 9:08.97 11:06.08
4 U. of Mary Agnew, Bischoff, DeVine, Wolf 15:54.04 15:09.66 9:44.26 15:54.04 12:19.56 13:18.73 12:19.56
5 Truman State Williams, Simpson, Ratermann, Dell'Orco 9:44.86 8:53.04 15:03.21 12:49.95 12:20.33 11:58.12 9:44.86
6 Morningside Hudelson, Stanforth, Hoefs, Nelson 15:28.02 9:46.51 13:36.66 10:31.05 12:22.41 12:52.11 13:21.81
7 Bradley Goldkamp, Hartman, Murphy, Fog 9:32.11 15:58.46 15:21.31 8:54.96 12:22.99 8:47.53 15:13.88
8 Iowa State
Fischer, Wiarda, Rover, Saina 11:06.38 11:51.31 13:13.67 13:58.59 12:28.74 11:58.79 9:06.58
9 Western Illinois Lynes, Brockman, Byers, Wetzel 14:06.40 15:43.77 15:06.32 15:13.81 12:29.02 14:36.36 13:51.42
10 Iowa State
Oettle, Fries, Thompson, Ties 10:53.93 9:45.50 11:47.16 16:20.89 12:40.38 12:55.59 8:59.87
13 Drake
Lake, Hamling, LaFlora, Dole 15:35.93 11:20.68 12:38.02 15:35.93 12:53.49 15:35.93 11:59.35
17 Southwest Baptist McVay, Dusenburg, Brady, Owensby 13:55.31 14:50.47 14:34.71 11:17.70 13:08.02 13:31.66 11:49.22
20 Lindenwood Nzilampa, Hemphill, Bennett, Sandquist 15:42.02 12:06.48 14:46.14 16:29.92 13:18.32 15:57.99 15:18.07
21 Western Illinois
Dietsch, Sawyer, Jay, Parker 14:33.54 11:53.26 13:05.39 17:21.84 13:21.41 17:21.84 17:05.81
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
11 Bradley
14:01.54 12:45.03 15:10.39 14:01.54
12 Black Hills State 9:55.05 12:52.79 13:00.52 9:47.32
14 Nebraska-Omaha Behm, Puc, Tesarek, Phillips 15:01.53 12:57.18 14:53.76 12:02.78
15 Grand View Univ. Craig, Schertz, Riley, Birru 15:50.65 12:59.22 9:21.04 12:28.06
16 Bradley
Brubaker, Sepich, Switzer, Lotter 11:57.00 13:07.91 13:55.19 9:19.42
18 Southwest Baptist 12:39.16 13:10.79 10:08.91 11:35.90
19 Highland CC Linnebur, Lewis, Smith, Turner 12:55.21 13:11.03 13:11.03 10:01.19
22 North Iowa Area Comm Garcia, Svardh, Nelson, Kruckenberg 11:28.6 13:30.2 16:52.7 9:27.1
23 Southwest Baptist
Strahm, Wolfe, Fisher, Nixon 15:38.36 13:43.12 11:56.12 14:40.74
24 Butler CC Bruner, Spence, Burciaga, Simon 15:17.6 13:54.2 12:22.4 18:04.4
25 johnson county cc Bailey, Tysick, Smith, DuPree 12:44.65 14:09.61 10:37.21 16:34.05
0 Unattached