April 8- 9, 2005
Princeton - Princeton, NJ

Women's 800 Meters

1 Amonica Phipps Senior Rutgers 2:11.59
2 Sarah Decker Sophomore Columbia 2:13.05
3 Lindsay Cole Junior Princeton 2:13.1
4 Caryn Waterson Senior Columbia 2:13.92
5 Carmen Ballard Freshman Columbia 2:14.3
6 Kurstin Nelms Freshman Columbia 2:14.94
7 Meredith Leenhouts Freshman Yale 2:15.12
8 Hanna Bremler Junior Wake Forest 2:15.43
9 Liz Bergold Freshman Princeton 2:16.8
10 Karen Aherne Freshman Princeton 2:17.38
11 Rochelle Browne   Unattached 2:17.69
12 Jordan Wagenseller Junior Princeton 2:17.79
13 Susan Hendrick Sophomore Columbia 2:18.24
14 Lauren Rauck Junior Columbia 2:18.56
15 Caitlin Tormey Senior Princeton 2:18.65
16 Carolyn Lipovsky Freshman La Salle 2:18.76
17 Katheryn Dennison Freshman Princeton 2:19.56
18 Vanessa Everding Senior Yale 2:20.
19 Vanessa Rodgers Sophomore C.W. Post 2:20.36
20 Anne Kennedy Freshman Columbia 2:20.66
21 Natalie Cahill Junior Army 2:21.16
22 Candace Ince Sophomore Syracuse 2:21.29
23 Rachel McGee Senior Manhattan 2:21.46
24 Elina Ploskin Sophomore Rutgers 2:21.59
25 Hillary Bontz Junior Columbia 2:22.03
26 Sara Best Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:22.37
27 Corinne Roberts Sophomore Columbia 2:23.04
28 Aparna Swamianthan Freshman Princeton 2:23.28
29 Ingrid Sproll Freshman Yale 2:23.88
30 Sara Tomczuk Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:23.94
31 Susan Crum Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:23.99
32 Jennifer Zucaro Senior The College of New Jersey 2:24.3
33 Joanna Pierce Sophomore Syracuse 2:25.04
34 Irena McQuarrie Junior Ithaca College 2:25.09
35 Meredith Foote 3 Haverford 2:26.69
36 Jillian Kosinski Freshman Syracuse 2:26.76
37 Megan Howell Freshman Army 2:28.33
38 Anastasia Mukhina 3 Haverford 2:28.52
39 Clare Eshenour 2 Haverford 2:29.
40 Maureen Lloyd Freshman Yale 2:30.65
41 Kaitlin Sardella Sophomore Southern Conn. 2:30.95
42 Brittany Massare 3 Haverford 2:31.31
43 Enya Spence Freshman Monmouth 2:32.35
44 Courtney Gallagher Freshman Ithaca College 2:32.43
45 Megan Griffith Junior Ithaca College 2:32.74
46 Eryka Perreault Freshman Manhattan 2:33.17
47 Courtney Stanton Freshman Rutgers 2:33.2
48 Amy Wilmott Sophomore Monmouth 2:33.82
49 Caitlin Schopp 2 Haverford 2:34.04
50 Brittany DeMarse Freshman Ithaca College 2:34.54
51 Kara Krebs Senior Ithaca College 2:35.3
52 Kelly Cannon 2 Haverford 2:37.2
53 Danielle Neukirch Sophomore Monmouth 2:39.9
54 Claire Pringle 1 Haverford 2:40.19
55 Danielle Stanton Freshman Rutgers 2:40.78
56 Kisa Ruiz Sophomore Syracuse 2:42.42
57 Jamie Alvarado Senior Southern Conn. 2:43.12
58 Emma Reinhalter 1 Haverford 2:43.54
0 Tierra Hicks   GLADIATOR TC NT
0 Katie Greene Junior Yale NT
0 Stephanie Lenihan Freshman Columbia NT
0 Yanirda Mejia Sophomore Rutgers NT
0 Kirsten Hornbach Junior Columbia NT
Women's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Amonica Phipps Senior Rutgers 1:46.59 2:16.86 2:11.59
2 Sarah Decker Sophomore Columbia 2:50.31 2:01.08 2:13.05
3 Lindsay Cole Junior Princeton 1:33.1 1:51.8 2:13.1
4 Caryn Waterson Senior Columbia 1:35.09 1:43.12 2:13.92
6 Kurstin Nelms Freshman Columbia 2:48.68 2:13.59 2:14.94
8 Hanna Bremler Junior Wake Forest 2:00.54 2:19.50 2:15.43
9 Liz Bergold Freshman Princeton 1:46.7 1:35.7 2:16.8
12 Jordan Wagenseller Junior Princeton 1:43.35 2:17.79 2:17.79
Women's 800 Meters Section 2
5 Carmen Ballard Freshman Columbia 2:22.3 2:11.6 1:56.8 2:14.3 2:43.8
7 Meredith Leenhouts Freshman Yale 1:52.15 2:35.39 2:05.67 2:15.12 1:52.15
10 Karen Aherne Freshman Princeton 1:56.78 2:07.77 2:33.87 2:17.38 2:02.27
14 Lauren Rauck Junior Columbia 2:18.56 2:06.09 2:10.25 2:18.56 2:53.20
23 Rachel McGee Senior Manhattan 2:24.29 1:56.00 2:18.63 2:21.46 2:17.22
25 Hillary Bontz Junior Columbia 2:31.98 2:53.28 1:55.05 2:22.03 2:20.61
29 Ingrid Sproll Freshman Yale 1:57.99 2:21.01 2:08.06 2:23.88 2:44.03
0 Katie Greene Junior Yale NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 800 Meters Section 3
11 Rochelle Browne   Unattached 1:48.78 2:17.69
13 Susan Hendrick Sophomore Columbia 2:56.95 2:18.24
15 Caitlin Tormey Senior Princeton 2:58.86 2:18.65
16 Carolyn Lipovsky Freshman La Salle 1:57.95 2:18.76
17 Katheryn Dennison Freshman Princeton 2:29.33 2:19.56
18 Vanessa Everding Senior Yale 2:13. 2:20.
20 Anne Kennedy Freshman Columbia 2:29.10 2:20.66
22 Candace Ince Sophomore Syracuse 2:46.73 2:21.29
24 Elina Ploskin Sophomore Rutgers 1:54.69 2:21.59
27 Corinne Roberts Sophomore Columbia 1:57.30 2:23.04
0 Kirsten Hornbach Junior Columbia NT NT
Women's 800 Meters Section 4
19 Vanessa Rodgers Sophomore C.W. Post 2:20.36
21 Natalie Cahill Junior Army 2:21.16
26 Sara Best Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:22.37
28 Aparna Swamianthan Freshman Princeton 2:23.28
31 Susan Crum Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:23.99
34 Irena McQuarrie Junior Ithaca College 2:25.09
36 Jillian Kosinski Freshman Syracuse 2:26.76
46 Eryka Perreault Freshman Manhattan 2:33.17
53 Danielle Neukirch Sophomore Monmouth 2:39.9
0 Stephanie Lenihan Freshman Columbia NT
0 Tierra Hicks   GLADIATOR TC NT
0 Yanirda Mejia Sophomore Rutgers NT
Women's 800 Meters Section 5
30 Sara Tomczuk Freshman The College of New Jersey 2:44.10 1:47.96 2:16.75 2:23.94 2:03.79 2:23.94
32 Jennifer Zucaro Senior The College of New Jersey 1:49.6 2:18.5 2:47.3 1:52.5 1:48.2 2:24.3
33 Joanna Pierce Sophomore Syracuse 2:22.14 2:41.00 2:16.34 2:26.49 2:36.65 2:25.04
35 Meredith Foote 3 Haverford 2:22.29 1:45.62 2:17.89 2:36.96 1:45.62 2:26.69
37 Megan Howell Freshman Army 2:59.48 2:03.12 3:08.38 2:12.02 2:49.10 2:28.33
39 Clare Eshenour 2 Haverford 2:23. 2:12. 1:47. 2:57. 2:29. 2:29.
40 Maureen Lloyd Freshman Yale 2:14.08 2:03.54 2:02.03 3:03.80 2:45.72 2:30.65
42 Brittany Massare 3 Haverford 3:15.19 2:43.42 2:16.18 1:50.46 1:48.95 2:31.31
47 Courtney Stanton Freshman Rutgers 3:06.9 2:34.7 2:16.3 2:33.2 1:51.8 2:33.2
50 Brittany DeMarse Freshman Ithaca College 2:48.45 2:45.36 2:48.45 3:17.82 1:57.45 2:34.54
51 Kara Krebs Senior Ithaca College 2:38.4 3:15.6 2:18.2 2:32.1 3:18.7 2:35.3
55 Danielle Stanton Freshman Rutgers 2:55.25 2:35.96 1:58.98 1:57.37 3:06.51 2:40.78
Women's 800 Meters Section 6
38 Anastasia Mukhina 3 Haverford 1:51.39 2:27.04 2:53.77 2:28.52 2:50.80
41 Kaitlin Sardella Sophomore Southern Conn. 2:11.33 2:05.29 2:27.93 2:30.95 2:32.46
43 Enya Spence Freshman Monmouth 3:13.49 3:16.54 2:36.92 2:32.35 3:10.44
44 Courtney Gallagher Freshman Ithaca College 2:30.91 2:30.91 2:35.48 2:32.43 2:06.52
45 Megan Griffith Junior Ithaca College 3:09.40 2:58.71 2:28.16 2:32.74 2:22.05
48 Amy Wilmott Sophomore Monmouth 2:13.83 2:13.83 2:38.44 2:33.82 3:03.05
49 Caitlin Schopp 2 Haverford 2:40.21 3:09.47 3:06.39 2:34.04 3:15.63
52 Kelly Cannon 2 Haverford 2:10.4 2:05.7 1:56.3 2:37.2 1:56.3
54 Claire Pringle 1 Haverford 2:01.75 2:19.37 2:22.57 2:40.19 2:36.99
56 Kisa Ruiz Sophomore Syracuse 2:44.05 3:23.03 2:11.56 2:42.42 3:10.04
57 Jamie Alvarado Senior Southern Conn. 3:14.12 2:28.44 2:17.02 2:43.12 2:31.71
58 Emma Reinhalter 1 Haverford 2:32.10 3:32.61 2:46.81 2:43.54 2:27.19