March 24-25, 2017
Oklahoma Baptist - Shawnee, OK

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Sydney Lawrence SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 4:48.73
2 Kaylee Large JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist 4:48.91
3 Sarah Cobb SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 4:56.70
4 Tyler Berge SO-2 Oklahoma City 5:01.16
5 Michaela Lombardi JR-3 East Central 5:02.23
6 Hailey Gillispie JR-3 Rogers State 5:04.36
7 Kaitlyn Janka SO-2 Southern Nazarene 5:06.17
8 J'Cee Holmes JR-3 Rogers State 5:06.92
9 Sabrina Desantiago JR-3 St. Gregory's 5:07.55
10 Lakresha James SR-4 Southern Nazarene 5:07.65
11 Rachel Hurtz FR-1 Southern Nazarene 5:08.33
12 ABBIE WINCHESTER FR-1 East Central 5:13.15
13 Destiny Garza SR-4 Southwestern Assemblies of God 5:13.34
14 Ellen Thomas FR-1 Rogers State 5:14.58
15 Bailie Troll FR-1 Kansas Wesleyan 5:15.14
16 Rachel Meyers FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 5:16.28
17 Sophia Weisbruch FR-1 St. Gregory's 5:16.79
18 Monica Scott FR-1 Rogers State 5:17.52
19 Elaina Hubbell FR-1 Sterling 5:20.38
20 Asiria Ramirez SR-4 Kansas Wesleyan 5:20.66
21 Katharine Jones SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 5:23.41
22 Janeane Hernandez FR-1 Baker 5:23.72
23 Maddison McGhee FR-1 Bacone 5:24.26
24 Brittnay Curley SO-2 Bacone 5:24.82
25 Payden Shapland FR-1 Sterling 5:25.08
26 Taylor Coss SR-4 East Central 5:28.43
27 Brianne Kirchgessner FR-1 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:30.67
28 Mikayla Howorka JR-3 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:38.39
29 Kathleen Joyce FR-1 St. Gregory's 5:41.69
30 Alexas Vargas FR-1 St. Gregory's 5:41.81
31 Kendall Odle FR-1 Langston 5:41.82
32 Renee Lanham SR-4 Sterling 5:42.46
33 Morgen Price JR-3 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:43.05
34 Emma Green FR-1 Southern Nazarene 5:43.70
35 Hunter Thompson SR-4 Rogers State 5:44.49
36 Anna Kuns SO-2 Sterling 5:56.98
37 Nancy Jurado SO-2 Bacone 5:57.72
38 Caitlin Cruz FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 5:58.81
39 Teagan Dreyer FR-1 St. Gregory's 5:59.37
40 Sierra Campbell SO-2 Southwestern Oklahoma 6:00.82
41 Fille Kinyamahanga JR-3 Southwestern Assemblies of God 6:08.18
42 Brianna Valles SO-2 Rogers State 6:18.95
43 Darian Hargis FR-1 St. Gregory's 6:23.11
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
15 Bailie Troll FR-1 Kansas Wesleyan 4:53.08 4:43.63 5:15.14 4:12.12 6:40.23
19 Elaina Hubbell FR-1 Sterling 5:52.42 6:34.07 5:20.38 5:01.16 4:25.92
22 Janeane Hernandez FR-1 Baker 3:59.56 5:20.49 5:23.72 5:49.62 4:06.03
25 Payden Shapland FR-1 Sterling 4:20.07 5:34.84 5:25.08 4:03.81 7:02.61
29 Kathleen Joyce FR-1 St. Gregory's 5:17.78 7:07.12 5:41.69 5:04.11 5:21.19
30 Alexas Vargas FR-1 St. Gregory's 6:29.67 4:40.29 5:41.81 6:46.76 6:57.01
31 Kendall Odle FR-1 Langston 6:29.68 4:19.79 5:41.82 4:53.97 5:00.81
37 Nancy Jurado SO-2 Bacone 4:49.76 6:40.65 5:57.72 4:35.45 5:04.07
38 Caitlin Cruz FR-1 Southwestern Assemblies of God 5:37.29 4:57.82 5:58.81 5:40.87 7:46.46
39 Teagan Dreyer FR-1 St. Gregory's 4:29.53 5:16.25 5:59.37 4:25.94 5:30.62
40 Sierra Campbell SO-2 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:35.57 7:16.60 6:00.82 5:28.35 5:03.09
41 Fille Kinyamahanga JR-3 Southwestern Assemblies of God 5:49.78 5:49.78 6:08.18 5:27.68 4:25.09
42 Brianna Valles SO-2 Rogers State 8:08.85 6:30.32 6:18.95 7:34.74 5:10.74
43 Darian Hargis FR-1 St. Gregory's 7:12.92 7:20.58 6:23.11 4:28.18 6:00.13
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
17 Sophia Weisbruch FR-1 St. Gregory's 6:39.16 6:51.83 5:48.47 5:16.79 6:20.15
18 Monica Scott FR-1 Rogers State 6:52.78 6:11.50 4:01.32 5:17.52 6:30.55
20 Asiria Ramirez SR-4 Kansas Wesleyan 4:48.60 5:43.11 3:50.88 5:20.66 6:44.04
23 Maddison McGhee FR-1 Bacone 6:58.30 4:29.14 4:38.87 5:24.26 6:38.84
24 Brittnay Curley SO-2 Bacone 4:23.11 4:10.12 6:59.02 5:24.82 6:29.79
27 Brianne Kirchgessner FR-1 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:17.45 4:27.85 5:27.37 5:30.67 4:47.69
28 Mikayla Howorka JR-3 Southwestern Oklahoma 6:32.54 4:10.41 5:11.32 5:38.39 5:07.94
32 Renee Lanham SR-4 Sterling 6:23.56 4:37.40 4:57.94 5:42.46 6:54.38
33 Morgen Price JR-3 Southwestern Oklahoma 5:22.47 6:55.09 6:44.80 5:43.05 4:31.01
34 Emma Green FR-1 Southern Nazarene 7:02.76 5:36.83 5:40.27 5:43.70 4:07.47
35 Hunter Thompson SR-4 Rogers State 7:03.73 7:14.06 6:05.16 5:44.49 7:14.06
36 Anna Kuns SO-2 Sterling 5:53.41 7:04.81 4:45.59 5:56.98 5:14.15
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
6 Hailey Gillispie JR-3 Rogers State 6:20.45 5:04.36 4:18.71 5:28.71 4:30.88 5:01.32 4:00.45
7 Kaitlyn Janka SO-2 Southern Nazarene 3:43.51 5:06.17 4:50.87 5:58.22 3:55.75 4:23.31 4:08.00
10 Lakresha James SR-4 Southern Nazarene 4:27.66 5:07.65 4:49.20 6:24.57 4:36.89 5:01.50 4:15.35
11 Rachel Hurtz FR-1 Southern Nazarene 6:37.75 5:08.33 5:20.67 4:37.50 6:16.17 6:37.75 4:37.50
12 ABBIE WINCHESTER FR-1 East Central 5:03.76 5:13.15 4:26.18 6:22.05 6:31.44 5:13.15 6:25.18
14 Ellen Thomas FR-1 Rogers State 5:20.88 5:14.58 3:52.79 3:49.65 4:58.86 4:52.56 5:30.31
16 Rachel Meyers FR-1 Oklahoma Christian 6:13.21 5:16.28 6:25.87 4:03.54 4:19.35 6:19.54 4:38.33
21 Katharine Jones SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 6:28.10 5:23.41 4:02.56 5:13.71 5:52.52 5:00.78 6:21.63
26 Taylor Coss SR-4 East Central 4:26.03 5:28.43 5:38.29 6:07.85 6:01.28 4:03.04 6:14.41
Women's 1500 Meters Section 4
1 Sydney Lawrence SO-2 Oklahoma Baptist 4:40.07 4:48.73 4:19.86
2 Kaylee Large JR-3 Oklahoma Baptist 5:20.69 4:48.91 4:43.14
3 Sarah Cobb SR-4 Oklahoma Christian 5:08.57 4:56.70 5:23.41
4 Tyler Berge SO-2 Oklahoma City 5:28.27 5:01.16 4:46.11
5 Michaela Lombardi JR-3 East Central 6:17.79 5:02.23 5:14.32
8 J'Cee Holmes JR-3 Rogers State 3:40.99 5:06.92 5:16.13
9 Sabrina Desantiago JR-3 St. Gregory's 4:24.50 5:07.55 5:01.40
13 Destiny Garza SR-4 Southwestern Assemblies of God 5:07.08 5:13.34 5:13.34