February 9, 2007
Armory Track & Field Center - New York, NY
200m (Banked)

Men's 3000 Meters

1 Victor Vientos Senior Lehigh 7:45.65 8:37.38 9:13.60
2 Kyle Murray   UNA 8:25.8 8:41.5 6:10.2
3 Paul Matuszak Junior Rider 8:04.63 8:46.77 9:39.45
4 Ryan Withal Freshman Columbia 11:26.34 8:47.95 8:37.40
5 James Jablin Junior Haverford 10:55.68 8:48.77 7:50.61
6 Taylor Burmeister Sophomore Haverford 7:08.64 8:49.18 11:27.94
7 Patrick Jeffers Freshman Columbia 10:21.68 8:51.35 7:42.28
8 John Wetzel Senior UMBC 11:01.56 8:53.51 9:04.18
9 Andrew Madison Freshman UMBC 10:05.48 8:55.82 8:07.60
10 Gregory Hughes Junior Columbia 8:46.19 8:56.92 8:19.34
11 Tim Seeley Senior Muhlenberg 7:53.2 8:57.8 11:28.3
12 Stephen Knox Senior La Salle 10:24.5 8:58.4 11:02.2
13 Justin Heinze Sophomore St. Joseph's (Pa.) 6:39.10 8:59.32 7:11.46
14 Steve Kinney Junior TCNJ 8:05.43 8:59.36 7:06.10
15 Ellis Willson   La Salle 7:06.20 8:59.49 8:10.94
16 Brandon Rodkewitz Freshman TCNJ 7:01.25 9:00.06 11:15.08
17 Matthew Gallagher Junior Rhode Island 6:24.32 9:01.29 10:54.96
18 Carl Leunig Sophomore Lehigh 10:47.49 9:04.11 11:25.58
19 James Jennings Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 7:43.23 9:04.97 10:53.97
20 Blake Davis Senior UMBC 8:27.16 9:05.33 7:43.53
21 Tom Stepan Senior Rhode Island 7:38.21 9:05.48 11:27.31
22 Mike Fonder Sophomore TCNJ 11:11.25 9:05.73 7:05.67
23 Brad Lewis Junior College of St. Rose 8:49.42 9:05.79 7:38.47
24 John Paul Botti Senior Lafayette 11:50.22 9:06.32 10:06.42
25 Daniel Olson Freshman Lehigh 7:33.8 9:06.8 8:01.1
26 Tim Hartnett Freshman Fordham 11:51.51 9:07.31 7:39.74
27 Andrew Lanham Freshman Haverford 9:23.77 9:07.35 10:29.46
28 Shawn Shokry Senior UMBC 6:57.72 9:09.63 11:49.03
29 Adam Lampell Freshman Columbia 7:25.84 9:10.41 7:36.84
30 Thomas Finnerty Junior Fordham 7:37.39 9:11.07 10:22.71
31 Mike Atamanchuk   Lafayette 8:21.59 9:17.32 9:50.76
32 Chris Savino Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 8:33.40 9:18.04 11:59.88
33 Tim Pagano Junior Moravian 9:18.51 9:18.51 8:39.42
34 Andrew Wagoner Freshman La Salle 11:21.76 9:18.82 8:17.35
35 David Chesny Senior Muhlenberg 11:06.42 9:20.01 7:05.61
36 Bob McCullough Freshman Rider 6:35.71 9:25.29 8:28.76
37 Phil Capaldi Freshman Rider 10:35.22 9:27.16 11:43.28
38 Jared Labar Freshman Lehigh 10:41.57 9:27.76 11:49.70
39 Will Trevethick Senior Muhlenberg 10:59.60 9:28.62 7:12.16
40 Markus Weise Senior Ursinus 8:43.93 9:35.74 10:27.56
41 Paul Bernardo Freshman TCNJ 8:47.63 9:39.81 11:29.98
42 Joseph Lucchio Junior Rider 12:45.52 9:48.86 9:42.98
43 Joe Brancale Junior Muhlenberg 11:07.28 9:50.51 12:41.76
Men's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Victor Vientos Senior Lehigh 7:04.26 7:24.95 8:37.38 9:44.64 6:48.73 8:01.17 9:18.77
2 Kyle Murray   UNA 10:57.0 9:28.4 8:41.5 8:25.8 8:51.9 10:36.2 9:38.8
3 Paul Matuszak Junior Rider 6:56.15 6:14.01 8:46.77 6:45.62 9:49.99 11:14.27 10:00.52
5 James Jablin Junior Haverford 8:17.05 8:48.77 8:48.77 9:20.50 6:26.01 8:11.76 9:15.21
6 Taylor Burmeister Sophomore Haverford 8:12.14 9:05.06 8:49.18 11:22.65 11:17.35 8:17.43 11:12.06
7 Patrick Jeffers Freshman Columbia 10:00.43 6:17.26 8:51.35 8:46.04 9:17.92 8:56.67 10:16.37
8 John Wetzel Senior UMBC 8:32.17 9:46.87 8:53.51 8:26.84 6:40.14 7:44.16 10:18.88
11 Tim Seeley Senior Muhlenberg 7:42.5 6:16.4 8:57.8 11:39.1 11:12.2 8:04.0 7:37.1
13 Justin Heinze Sophomore St. Joseph's (Pa.) 11:08.76 10:31.01 8:59.32 7:33.03 10:14.83 9:58.65 7:06.07
14 Steve Kinney Junior TCNJ 10:31.06 7:33.07 8:59.36 11:41.17 8:37.79 9:42.51 6:44.52
17 Matthew Gallagher Junior Rhode Island 9:33.77 10:44.14 9:01.29 9:33.77 6:29.73 7:13.04 9:01.29
27 Andrew Lanham Freshman Haverford 6:39.57 7:50.73 9:07.35 9:18.30 10:29.46 11:07.77 8:07.15
29 Adam Lampell Freshman Columbia 7:03.82 7:20.33 9:10.41 7:53.36 10:10.96 11:11.50 11:11.50
Men's 3000 Meters Section 2
4 Ryan Withal Freshman Columbia 8:47.95 11:15.78 11:21.06 7:18.20 10:01.87 8:21.56
9 Andrew Madison Freshman UMBC 8:55.82 7:51.53 11:09.78 11:25.85 11:36.57 10:48.35
10 Gregory Hughes Junior Columbia 8:56.92 7:14.91 8:19.34 8:40.82 9:18.40 9:50.62
12 Stephen Knox Senior La Salle 8:58.4 7:37.6 9:46.8 7:53.7 9:52.2 10:29.9
15 Ellis Willson   La Salle 8:59.49 8:32.52 7:38.57 8:05.55 10:15.02 11:35.95
16 Brandon Rodkewitz Freshman TCNJ 9:00.06 11:09.68 11:31.28 7:33.65 7:22.85 9:05.46
19 James Jennings Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 9:04.97 8:05.03 11:37.57 7:26.88 11:26.67 8:48.62
21 Tom Stepan Senior Rhode Island 9:05.48 7:38.21 10:49.13 9:00.03 11:38.22 7:10.93
22 Mike Fonder Sophomore TCNJ 9:05.73 6:54.76 9:49.39 11:05.79 11:00.34 7:49.33
24 John Paul Botti Senior Lafayette 9:06.32 9:11.79 11:06.51 11:50.22 11:33.83 9:50.03
25 Daniel Olson Freshman Lehigh 9:06.8 9:12.2 7:39.3 9:28.6 10:01.4 6:44.6
28 Shawn Shokry Senior UMBC 9:09.63 9:37.12 6:46.73 9:20.63 11:27.04 7:47.19
30 Thomas Finnerty Junior Fordham 9:11.07 11:45.37 7:37.39 10:06.18 7:15.35 7:15.35
34 Andrew Wagoner Freshman La Salle 9:18.82 11:49.71 11:10.59 9:41.18 6:59.12 6:36.77
36 Bob McCullough Freshman Rider 9:25.29 7:03.97 10:38.78 7:15.28 7:49.19 12:09.23
38 Jared Labar Freshman Lehigh 9:27.76 10:58.61 7:56.92 9:33.44 9:22.09 7:51.24
Men's 3000 Meters Section 3
18 Carl Leunig Sophomore Lehigh 9:04.11 10:31.17
20 Blake Davis Senior UMBC 9:05.33 9:05.33
23 Brad Lewis Junior College of St. Rose 9:05.79 11:44.07
26 Tim Hartnett Freshman Fordham 9:07.31 11:35.09
31 Mike Atamanchuk   Lafayette 9:17.32 10:46.50
32 Chris Savino Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 9:18.04 7:09.69
33 Tim Pagano Junior Moravian 9:18.51 11:54.90
35 David Chesny Senior Muhlenberg 9:20.01 6:43.21
37 Phil Capaldi Freshman Rider 9:27.16 12:11.64
39 Will Trevethick Senior Muhlenberg 9:28.62 9:00.19
40 Markus Weise Senior Ursinus 9:35.74 12:22.71
41 Paul Bernardo Freshman TCNJ 9:39.81 8:36.03
42 Joseph Lucchio Junior Rider 9:48.86 8:02.87
43 Joe Brancale Junior Muhlenberg 9:50.51 9:15.08