May 25-27, 2017
Mount Union - Alliance, OH

Women's 800 Meters

1 Hannah Damron SR-4 Southern Maine 1:54.83 2:46.16 2:15.09 2:38.06 1:44.02 2:46.16 2:43.46 891
2 Megan Sundstrom JR-3 St. Benedict 1:51.76 2:21.10 2:19.70 2:05.73 2:29.48 2:15.51 2:21.10 828
3 Megan Marotz SR-4 Wis.-Platteville 2:49.47 2:14.16 2:21.22 2:05.69 2:15.58 2:31.11 2:18.40 807
4 Mikayla Forness JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 2:20.25 1:56.17 2:21.66 1:46.25 1:42.00 2:21.66 2:04.66 801
5 Olivia Cattau JR-3 U. of Chicago 2:11.01 2:16.71 2:22.40 1:42.53 2:16.71 2:09.59 2:36.64 791
6 Angela Morrison SR-4 Albion 2:49.54 3:05.22 2:22.47 2:36.72 2:26.75 2:01.10 2:32.45 790
7 Libby Schnoor JR-3 Cornell College 3:07.53 2:22.81 2:24.25 2:01.17 2:30.02 3:06.09 2:22.81 767
8 Nicole Kitchen JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) 2:51.26 2:41.10 2:25.13 2:41.10 2:26.59 2:00.46 2:20.78 755
9 Courtney Sowle SR-4 Wartburg 2:14.97 2:56.04 2:26.70 2:12.03 1:42.69 2:48.71 2:07.63 735
10 Jenna Degen SO-2 St. Benedict 3:11.38 2:40.46 2:27.21 2:21.33 2:46.35 1:50.41 2:52.24 728
11 Annie Wright SO-2 George Fox 2:54.22 2:57.17 2:27.64 2:55.70 1:43.35 2:48.31 1:47.78 723
12 Alison Rich JR-3 Hope 2:10.54 2:06.09 2:28.34 2:20.93 2:44.66 2:56.53 2:10.54 714
13 Kylee Bartlett SO-2 Rochester 3:05.73 2:37.04 2:31.00 1:45.70 2:05.33 2:00.80 2:18.92 680
14 Hannah Russert SR-4 St. Scholastica 2:12.79 3:07.74 2:32.63 2:02.11 1:49.90 2:52.48 2:17.37 660
15 Shayna Held SO-2 SUNY Geneseo 3:18.63 1:48.48 2:32.79 2:29.74 2:14.46 2:34.32 2:22.10 658
16 Briana Sutton JR-3 Christopher Newport 2:59.28 2:54.69 2:33.23 2:08.72 2:37.83 2:34.77 3:03.88 653
17 Laura Darcey FR-1 U. of Chicago 2:41.56 2:26.17 2:33.86 2:21.56 2:15.40 2:44.63 3:00.02 645
18 Jenna Athanasopoulos SR-4 Colby 2:30.82 3:06.95 2:37.10 3:24.23 2:16.68 2:18.25 2:07.26 607
19 Savannah Hubbard SR-4 Hanover 3:03.52 2:14.05 2:39.58 2:41.18 3:24.27 2:34.80 2:26.82 578
20 Alison Smith SR-4 Redlands 2:18.78 2:28.81 2:47.20 3:20.64 2:42.19 3:03.92 3:05.60 493
21 Sylviann Momont FR-1 Wis.-Stevens Point 2:27.19 2:37.34 2:49.18 3:34.86 2:42.42 2:27.19 3:11.18 472
22 Laura Eischens JR-3 St. Thomas (Minn.) 2:47.86 2:53.00 2:51.28 3:25.54 2:58.14 3:11.84 2:49.57 450
Women's Heptathlon 800 Meters Section 1
1 Hannah Damron SR-4 Southern Maine 1:39.97 2:15.09 891
2 Megan Sundstrom JR-3 St. Benedict 1:46.18 2:19.70 828
3 Megan Marotz SR-4 Wis.-Platteville 1:45.92 2:21.22 807
5 Olivia Cattau JR-3 U. of Chicago 2:43.76 2:22.40 791
6 Angela Morrison SR-4 Albion 2:31.02 2:22.47 790
8 Nicole Kitchen JR-3 Wheaton (Ill.) 2:13.52 2:25.13 755
14 Hannah Russert SR-4 St. Scholastica 2:57.05 2:32.63 660
17 Laura Darcey FR-1 U. of Chicago 2:07.71 2:33.86 645
18 Jenna Athanasopoulos SR-4 Colby 2:27.68 2:37.10 607
19 Savannah Hubbard SR-4 Hanover 2:33.20 2:39.58 578
21 Sylviann Momont FR-1 Wis.-Stevens Point 2:20.42 2:49.18 472
22 Laura Eischens JR-3 St. Thomas (Minn.) 2:05.04 2:51.28 450
Women's Heptathlon 800 Meters Section 2
4 Mikayla Forness JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 2:21.66 801
7 Libby Schnoor JR-3 Cornell College 2:24.25 767
9 Courtney Sowle SR-4 Wartburg 2:26.70 735
10 Jenna Degen SO-2 St. Benedict 2:27.21 728
11 Annie Wright SO-2 George Fox 2:27.64 723
12 Alison Rich JR-3 Hope 2:28.34 714
13 Kylee Bartlett SO-2 Rochester 2:31.00 680
15 Shayna Held SO-2 SUNY Geneseo 2:32.79 658
16 Briana Sutton JR-3 Christopher Newport 2:33.23 653
20 Alison Smith SR-4 Redlands 2:47.20 493