February 8, 2020
Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex (Banked) - Staten Island, NY
200m (Banked)

Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Finals

1 Cardinal Hayes A 1:29.21 6
2 Cardinal Hayes
B 1:31.71 4
3 Holy Trinity A 1:33.06 3
4 Monsignor Farrell A 1:33.85 2
5 St. Joseph by-the-Sea A 1:34.44 1
6 Xavier A 1:36.60 -

Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries

1 Cardinal Hayes A Travis Williams, Naquille Harris, Sidiki Kone, Jaden Barrett 1:08.04 1:18.92 1:53.39 1:15.29 1:30.71
2 Cardinal Hayes
B Kenneth Maxwell, Kuno Mendez, Keyan Jaysura, Justin Suriel 1:45.93 1:06.91 1:31.07 1:50.58 1:32.92
3 Holy Trinity A Chris Holt, Bryce Ridley, Andre Wilkes, Aaron Essien 1:26.48 1:32.06 1:46.01 1:12.54 1:32.99
4 Monsignor Farrell A Dean Niosi, Steve Booras, Frank Lanore, Gabriel Perez 1:48.28 1:11.56 1:07.79 1:13.44 1:34.15
5 St. Joseph by-the-Sea A James Speciale, Bradley Espejo, Tom Pecora, Justin Alexander 1:19.54 1:57.41 1:46.05 1:37.52 1:34.68
6 Xavier A James Banks, Jack Mirto, Marcus Jenkins, Fu'aad Yeonaba 1:39.69 1:37.79 2:00.58 1:14.06 1:34.94
7 Christ the King A Ken Pierre-Charles, Samarki Williams, Noah Jefferson, Matthew Then 1:35.56 1:57.54 1:50.85 1:52.76 1:35.56
8 St. Anthony's A Sean Louis, Dominic Gentile, Vincenzo Bruno, Jack Biegner 1:47.65 1:36.11 1:48.61 1:16.89 1:36.11
9 St. John the Baptist A Matt Scarpantonio, Charles St. Hilaire, Brian Roman, Francisco Bejarone 2:04.89 1:37.78 1:17.45 1:46.50 1:36.81
10 Fordham Prep
B Anthony Baez, Myles Gould, Pablo Eccleston, Harrison Donaldson 2:05.39 1:26.51 1:16.79 1:45.95 1:37.20
11 Xavier
B Reid Donovan, Ricky Diamond, Jack Hullihan, Mark McGrade 1:59.95 1:39.47 1:16.07 1:37.52 1:37.52
12 Mount St. Michael A Dayln Kinard, Reymi Encarnacion, Bernard Attah-Gyamfi, Eric Koch 2:00.09 2:01.07 2:03.99 2:00.09 1:37.63
13 Iona Prep A Charlie Griffin, Kevin Franceschini, Kenneth Sanford, Avery Tuton 1:58.57 1:30.15 1:45.83 1:45.83 1:37.99
14 Nazareth A Justin McDuffie, Traejon Tasher, Ethan White, Jalen White 1:26.28 1:50.79 1:23.34 1:22.36 1:38.04
15 Cardinal Hayes
C Keshawn Graddick, Julius James, Papayaw Afari, Devon Banks 1:42.99 1:44.95 1:18.47 1:26.31 1:38.08
16 Kellenberg A Bossuet Jules, Jordan DeLuca, Cameron Mooney, Norbert Okoye 2:05.09 1:27.66 1:53.27 1:44.40 1:38.49
17 Kellenberg
B Justin Domenech, Anthony Grosso, Marcus Hollins, Anthony Tassy 1:31.22 1:24.28 1:10.40 1:59.98 1:39.15
18 Archbishop Stepinac A Stephen Vaccaro, Victor Magaletti, Conor Rice, Michael Rogers 1:59.13 1:39.27 1:23.39 1:43.24 1:39.27
19 Cardinal Spellman
B Alejandro Garcia, Kai Erskine, Branden Pichardo, Brandon Hall 2:05.22 1:36.40 1:19.51 1:43.36 1:39.38
20 Kellenberg
C Joseph Foley, Ronny Velasquez, Alex Scagnelli, Louis Idolor 2:08.54 1:41.64 1:55.59 1:17.72 1:39.64
21 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
B Robert Nebel, Matthew Ramos, Derek Espejo, Thomas Napoli 1:56.06 1:37.05 1:58.06 1:32.05 1:40.05
22 Fordham Prep
C Ethan Todd, Giordanis Guerrero, Randy Fulton, Liam Cuneo 1:12.67 1:36.89 1:21.75 1:50.01 1:40.92
23 Xavier
C Matteo Marchesi, Nicholas Paquette, Declan Feeny, Daniel Leinfelder 1:16.71 2:09.19 1:30.84 1:28.82 1:40.93
24 Holy Trinity
B Julien Crandall, Jordan Crandall, Kaelin Jacques, Joseph Yovino 1:59.72 1:57.67 1:43.35 1:25.95 1:42.32
25 Fordham Prep A Ergi Agaj, Owen Gazso, Seamus O'Brien, Robert Disney 2:08.06 1:36.05 1:21.59 1:48.44 1:43.27
26 Mount St. Michael
B Oscar De-La-Cruz, Evan Dutzer, Carlos Navedo, Jonathan Theano 2:01.14 2:02.20 1:34.81 1:45.34 1:45.34
27 St. Raymond A Gabriel Gonzalez, Darwin Bautista, Daniel Cruz, Kelvin Glover Jr. 2:05.60 1:20.90 1:28.35 1:43.25 1:46.44
28 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
C Derek Delpriore, Connor Young, Joshua Talabicon, Matthew Ramos 1:18.94 2:00.03 2:18.41 1:37.32 1:48.13
29 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
D Philip Denivo, Nicholas Colon, Derek Lucido, Jason Caccavo 2:11.36 1:25.77 1:35.54 1:48.56 1:48.56
30 St. Edmund A David Kingsley, Marvin Gibbs, Johann Pinchinat, Joshua McKenzie 1:20.16 1:52.45 2:11.37 1:53.56 1:51.33
31 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
F Sean Quick, Thomas Bacetty, Paul Adamita, Aiden Schuler 1:54.48 1:45.13 2:16.67 1:24.11 1:56.81
32 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
E Chris Ruggieri, Jason Mainolfi, Thomas Libretto, Kyrollos Ibrahim 2:05.04 1:45.81 1:28.97 1:33.78 2:00.23
33 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
G Matthew Marzano, Dylan Koelbel, Pedro Correa, Nick Cooper 2:21.67 2:27.89 1:29.48 2:00.55 2:04.27
  Chaminade A Vern Valdueza, Michael Sweeney, Thomas Byrnes, Ranulph Mayas DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 1
1 Cardinal Hayes Williams, Harris, Kone, Barrett 1:16.20 1:03.50 1:18.92 1:57.02 1:30.71
13 Iona Prep Griffin, Franceschini, Sanford, Tuton 1:43.87 1:24.28 2:05.43 1:28.20 1:37.99
19 Cardinal Spellman
Garcia, Erskine, Pichardo, Hall 1:37.40 1:35.41 1:35.41 1:44.35 1:39.38
23 Xavier
Marchesi, Paquette, Feeny, Leinfelder 2:10.20 1:19.74 1:31.85 2:08.19 1:40.93
25 Fordham Prep Agaj, Gazso, O'Brien, Disney 1:36.05 1:18.49 1:38.11 2:12.19 1:43.27
33 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Marzano, Koelbel, Correa, Cooper 2:03.03 2:25.40 2:20.43 1:46.88 2:04.27
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 2
2 Cardinal Hayes
Maxwell, Mendez, Jaysura, Suriel 1:32.92 1:58.94
11 Xavier
Donovan, Diamond, Hullihan, McGrade 1:37.52 1:46.30
15 Cardinal Hayes
Graddick, James, Afari, Banks 1:38.08 1:38.08
18 Archbishop Stepinac Vaccaro, Magaletti, Rice, Rogers 1:39.27 1:32.33
24 Holy Trinity
Crandall, Crandall, Jacques, Yovino 1:42.32 1:31.07
31 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Quick, Bacetty, Adamita, Schuler 1:56.81 2:12.00
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Holy Trinity Holt, Ridley, Wilkes, Essien 1:29.27 1:53.45 1:32.99 1:26.48
4 Monsignor Farrell Niosi, Booras, Lanore, Perez 1:47.34 1:23.80 1:34.15 1:57.69
9 St. John the Baptist Scarpantonio, St. Hilaire, Roman, Bejarone 1:20.36 2:05.86 1:36.81 1:31.97
22 Fordham Prep
Todd, Guerrero, Fulton, Cuneo 1:54.04 1:34.87 1:40.92 1:27.80
26 Mount St. Michael
De-La-Cruz, Dutzer, Navedo, Theano 1:17.96 2:01.14 1:45.34 1:48.50
32 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Ruggieri, Mainolfi, Libretto, Ibrahim 1:47.01 1:39.79 2:00.23 2:32.70
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 4
7 Christ the King Pierre-Charles, Williams, Jefferson, Then 1:35.56 1:44.16
10 Fordham Prep
Baez, Gould, Eccleston, Donaldson 1:37.20 1:13.88
12 Mount St. Michael Kinard, Encarnacion, Attah-Gyamfi, Koch 1:37.63 1:08.35
28 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Delpriore, Young, Talabicon, Ramos 1:48.13 2:13.00
30 St. Edmund Kingsley, Gibbs, Pinchinat, McKenzie 1:51.33 1:59.13
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 5
8 St. Anthony's Louis, Gentile, Bruno, Biegner 1:36.11 1:51.49
14 Nazareth McDuffie, Tasher, White, White 1:38.04 1:12.55
17 Kellenberg
Domenech, Grosso, Hollins, Tassy 1:39.15 1:59.98
27 St. Raymond Gonzalez, Bautista, Cruz, Glover Jr. 1:46.44 1:34.74
29 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Denivo, Colon, Lucido, Caccavo 1:48.56 2:02.68
  Chaminade Valdueza, Sweeney, Byrnes, Mayas DQ DQ
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Varsity Preliminaries Heat 6
5 St. Joseph by-the-Sea Speciale, Espejo, Pecora, Alexander 1:54.57 1:34.68
6 Xavier Banks, Mirto, Jenkins, Yeonaba 1:06.46 1:34.94
16 Kellenberg Jules, DeLuca, Mooney, Okoye 1:51.30 1:38.49
20 Kellenberg
Foley, Velasquez, Scagnelli, Idolor 2:08.54 1:39.64
21 St. Joseph by-the-Sea
Nebel, Ramos, Espejo, Napoli 1:56.06 1:40.05