February 22, 2020
St. Cloud - St. Cloud, FL
Timing: Elite Timing

Boys' 4 x 400 Relay

1 Lake Wales Roger Williams, Quentavian Anderson, Emman Uel Shuler, Dametrion Mallett 3:26.64 4:05.51 3:43.01 3:26.64 3:24.59 3:20.50 10
2 IMG Academy Adam Landen, Austin Kresley, Victor Steiner, Michael Kuentzel 3:43.62 2:59.74 4:23.33 2:57.65 3:28.99 3:58.25 8
3 Colonial Steven Marrero, Noel Andino, Larry Rosado, Chase Latouche 3:24.55 4:30.60 2:41.94 4:30.60 3:33.07 3:43.73 6
4 Dr. Phillips Richard Cabrales, Tyler Neblett, Jalen Thompson, Kemani Tannis-Harris 2:46.25 2:44.12 4:24.30 2:50.52 3:33.14 4:30.69 5
5 Tohopekaliga (Kissimmeee) Shakur Alexander, Kareem Dinzey, Sir Giles, Jeremiah Odie 2:38.59 2:49.30 2:34.30 3:51.45 3:34.30 4:15.02 4
6 Winter Park Kevin Byrd, Blake Cain, Sebastian Vargas, James Turner 4:03.26 4:37.70 3:58.95 2:50.07 3:35.27 2:56.53 3
7 Rockledge Jaheim Mayes , Daryl Smith , Neikerson Buckmaster, Jeremiah Housey 2:44.22 3:01.50 2:46.38 3:23.11 3:36.07 2:52.86 2
8 Osceola (Kissimmee) Rognie Ortiz, Markevus Jackson, Ja'Keem Jackson, Jeremiah Wilson 4:28.32 4:04.51 3:45.04 3:40.71 3:36.38 4:41.30 1
9 Lake Nona Corey Williams, Carson Pielock, Jordan Pierson, Dylan Hamby 2:45.66 3:51.92 3:09.95 3:45.29 3:40.87 3:23.20 -
10 Timber Creek Ethan Varnedore, Lucas Varnedore, Jordan Evans, Chase D'Allesandro 3:53.18 2:53.22 2:55.44 3:13.20 3:42.07 3:06.54 -
11 Seminole (Sanford) Joshua Stephens, Justin Stephens, Damaris Williams, Lavonne Hunter 3:51.09 3:11.10 3:24.43 4:06.65 3:42.20 3:28.87 -
12 East River Eric Aquino, Adrian Correa, Dexter Coleman, DeRel Morris 3:11.78 3:47.45 3:25.15 4:38.74 3:42.99 4:18.67 -
13 City of Life Christian Joshua Melendez, Sean Zapata, Anthony Felix, Jayson Ramirez 4:43.72 3:33.36 3:49.24 2:41.15 3:46.97 4:39.18 -
14 Ridge Community Rubin Centeno Serrano, Isaiah Fraser, Ali Ibrahim, Jakari Ward 4:07.72 3:49.54 3:13.18 4:03.17 3:47.26 4:50.90 -
15 Cypress Creek Joshua Jimenez-Abreu, Javier Hernandez, Courtney Chisholm, Noah Marrero 4:10.07 3:54.01 3:40.25 2:52.07 3:49.42 3:26.48 -
16 Cocoa Beach Ryan Moran, Mitchell McNeely, Imani Providence-Toby, Colton Sall 4:25.10 4:08.97 4:32.02 3:29.78 3:50.52 3:50.52 -
17 Liberty Mekhi JnBaptiste, Dudley Mesilien, Kamori Williams , Antonio Caro 4:44.60 2:58.76 4:37.54 4:46.95 3:55.20 4:56.36 -
18 Harmony Wathson Cherancy, Ramon Donnelly, Fabian Sanchez, Jacob Oloizia 3:28.24 4:51.06 3:56.63 3:32.97 3:56.63 3:51.90 -
19 Melbourne Logan Klaproth, Gunnar Smith, Kyle Schipf, Darwin Ge 4:15.49 3:23.90 3:21.45 3:26.36 4:05.66 4:37.60 -
  Viera Tyler Madl, Jacob Melby, Mark Adams, Davis Mallinger DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS   
  Kathleen Antonio Martin, Essmal Reed, Hakeem Coppins, Keyshawn Johnson DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS   
  St. Cloud Lee DeFour, Robert Robinson, Matthew Clukey, Michael Kline DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS   
  Bartow Dannie Motley, Nathanial-Nate Williams, Terrance Chase, Gabriel Brown DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS   
Boys' 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
4 Dr. Phillips Cabrales, Neblett, Thompson, Tannis-Harris 2:39.86 2:31.33 3:33.14 3:41.67 3:18.22 5
13 City of Life Christian Melendez, Zapata, Felix, Ramirez 4:05.13 4:00.59 3:46.97 3:31.09 3:17.47 -
16 Cocoa Beach Moran, McNeely, Providence-Toby, Sall 3:27.47 3:52.83 3:50.52 2:48.28 3:09.03 -
17 Liberty JnBaptiste, Mesilien, Williams , Caro 3:38.74 4:49.30 3:55.20 3:15.22 4:58.71 -
18 Harmony Cherancy, Donnelly, Sanchez, Oloizia 3:51.90 3:14.04 3:56.63 4:03.73 2:48.01 -
19 Melbourne Klaproth, Smith, Schipf, Ge 3:18.99 3:36.18 4:05.66 3:53.38 3:55.84 -
  Viera Madl, Melby, Adams, Mallinger DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS   
Boys' 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
3 Colonial Marrero, Andino, Rosado, Latouche 3:33.07 4:26.34 6
5 Tohopekaliga (Kissimmeee) Alexander, Dinzey, Giles, Odie 3:34.30 4:38.59 4
8 Osceola (Kissimmee) Ortiz, Jackson, Jackson, Wilson 3:36.38 4:41.30 1
10 Timber Creek Varnedore, Varnedore, Evans, D'Allesandro 3:42.07 3:19.87 -
11 Seminole (Sanford) Stephens, Stephens, Williams, Hunter 3:42.20 4:48.86 -
  Bartow Motley, Williams, Chase, Brown DNS DNS   
  St. Cloud DeFour, Robinson, Clukey, Kline DNS DNS   
  Kathleen Martin, Reed, Coppins, Johnson DNS DNS   
Boys' 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
1 Lake Wales Williams, Anderson, Shuler, Mallett 3:28.69 3:32.78 4:09.60 3:24.59 10
2 IMG Academy Landen, Kresley, Steiner, Kuentzel 3:28.99 2:53.47 4:06.61 3:28.99 8
6 Winter Park Byrd, Cain, Vargas, Turner 4:39.86 2:52.22 3:56.80 3:35.27 3
7 Rockledge Mayes , Smith , Buckmaster, Housey 4:34.41 4:14.97 4:23.61 3:36.07 2
9 Lake Nona Williams, Pielock, Pierson, Hamby 3:34.25 2:34.61 3:09.95 3:40.87 -
12 East River Aquino, Correa, Coleman, Morris 3:09.55 4:23.13 4:23.13 3:42.99 -
14 Ridge Community Centeno Serrano, Fraser, Ibrahim, Ward 2:50.45 4:34.99 3:19.99 3:47.26 -
15 Cypress Creek Jimenez-Abreu, Hernandez, Chisholm, Marrero 3:56.31 3:40.25 2:58.95 3:49.42 -