February 11-12, 2022
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)
Timing: Lancer Timing Services

Men's Distance Medley Relay

1 Army West Point A Mitchell Burr, Kevin Sembrat, Luke Griner, Caden Foster 9:57.04 8:01.11 9:39.65 11:12.40 9:51.25 10:14.43
2 John Carroll A Ian Pierson, Garrett Clark, Caleb Correia, Alex Phillip 10:57.17 11:37.88 9:41.56 12:36.03 12:06.95 10:28.09
3 Williams A Nate Lentz, Jack Davis, Jinwoo Kang, Aidan Ryan 8:03.30 11:50.40 9:42.29 8:14.95 10:40.52 10:28.88
4 So. Conn. St. A Owen Gagne, Nigel Green, Jonathan Volpe, Terrell Patterson 11:33.76 12:26.23 9:42.99 12:14.57 11:27.93 7:46.40
5 Dartmouth A Seth Weprin, Mason Childers, Aidan Robinson, Jonathan Reid 9:56.53 8:28.81 9:44.83 11:59.34 6:55.23 9:15.59
6 SUNY Geneseo A Ezra Ruggles, Bryan Ivey, Kieran Sheridan, Nick Andrews 7:27.76 9:19.70 9:49.15 11:11.64 10:36.29 8:56.13
7 Lynchburg A Maximillian Sparks, Kyle Lauffenberger, Tor Hotung-Davidsen, Sam Llaneza 11:48.15 7:02.51 9:55.08 7:38.22 11:24.35 10:01.03
8 MIT A Henry Hardart, Ian Koe, Pau Ilerbaig-Bajona, Ryan Wilson 6:58.43 11:51.33 9:57.75 12:21.21 11:57.30 8:34.07
9 TCNJ A Michael Rodriguez, Roman Rychkov, Alex Amoia, Kevin Christensen 9:29.53 7:41.62 9:59.50 11:29.43 12:35.37 7:35.62
10 Dartmouth
B Isaac Weber, DJ Matusz, Mac Hadden, Jason Norris 7:19.40 10:19.97 10:01.91 9:07.74 12:32.39 10:38.03
11 Emory A Jacob Hedgepeth, Liam Fost, Jon Marcus, Spencer Watry 9:20.12 10:02.27 10:02.27 11:50.68 11:20.57 8:19.89
12 Lock Haven A Kirk Stewart, Ryan Miller, Matthew Muthler, Gage Krall 11:51.18 10:44.88 10:02.69 10:32.83 9:14.48 9:02.43
13 Ithaca A Alex Whatley, Nate Oczkowski, Zach Wachs, Ben Tiber 7:52.35 9:48.90 10:13.43 12:22.25 9:18.23 9:12.09
14 Coast Guard A Ryan Weston, David Loomis, Brian Green, Michael Samson 12:35.32 11:33.91 10:14.08 10:26.37 12:16.90 10:57.07
15 Syracuse A Joseph Eovaldi, Patrick Malone, Alexander Segarra, Jack Whetstone 12:18.68 8:06.30 10:15.56 13:01.77 8:18.61 10:58.65
16 Stonehill A Ian Cann, Noah Drapeau, Connor Hughes, Nickolas McNamee 12:48.52 10:07.38 10:19.77 9:23.99 8:46.81 13:13.31
17 Hartford A Keith May, Jovan Joseph, William Lamburn, Christian Deal 9:26.03 10:53.11 10:22.01 8:11.39 13:22.40 9:26.03
18 Brockport St. A Thomas Kressly, Frank Derdzinski, Nick Markle, Jonathan Zavala 10:29.07 10:47.76 10:22.84 10:47.76 11:25.13 7:22.22
19 The Heartbreakers A Fitch Henry, Sean Edelman , Dan Cleary, Conor Cashin 10:28.58 10:15.89 10:34.93 11:06.68 9:56.84 7:37.15
20 St. John Fisher A Ryan Allen, Myles Andersen, Adam Yeager, Andrew Ford 8:30.00 9:46.49 10:37.49 7:45.37 10:37.49 11:09.37
21 Eastern Conn. St. A Noah Linton, Tyler Lindquist, Thomas Stone, Liam Stafford 11:10.21 12:01.77 10:44.43 9:39.99 11:16.66 8:03.33
22 Holy Cross A Samuel Baker, Rigoberto Alfonso, Brendan Fay, Rory McLaughlin 11:43.25 11:04.54 10:45.18 10:25.83 10:38.73 10:45.18
23 unattached A Henry Hagan, Ty Dorrow, Keane Swiesz, Dillon Labonte 13:43.35 9:04.58 10:48.30 8:38.64 12:57.96 9:36.99
24 GBTC A Collin Styring, Ernixh Harris, Neil Guertin, Taylor Finn 8:51.63 11:40.20 10:48.33 12:25.58 12:12.62 9:04.60
25 Boys Cardinals Track Club A Joshua Rivers, Sebastian Zeman, Sean O'Keefe, Nathanael Fondakowski 9:47.06 13:48.40 10:52.28 11:57.51 10:52.28 13:09.26
26 Northfield Mount Hermon A Jacob Nevins, Elliot Detjens, Johnathan Hanscom, Joseph Bullock 8:05.10 10:48.98 10:55.53 10:09.65 7:58.54 13:39.42
27 Colgate A Peter Marks, Reymundo Perez, Nathan Rindfuss, Thomas Richards 11:32.11 10:19.61 10:59.15 13:37.35 8:47.32 10:13.01
28 Northeastern Club Running A Brandon Onyejekwe, Harry Gould, Michael Nunes, Brian Noone 12:32.47 14:47.34 11:49.87 13:57.65 11:07.28 10:24.69
Men's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 Army West Point Burr, Sembrat, Griner, Foster 9:57.04 9:39.65 8:41.69 6:57.35
2 John Carroll Pierson, Clark, Correia, Phillip 8:02.70 9:41.56 8:37.59 9:12.49
3 Williams Lentz, Davis, Kang, Ryan 7:57.48 9:42.29 12:31.16 9:59.76
4 So. Conn. St. Gagne, Green, Volpe, Patterson 10:23.80 9:42.99 7:17.25 8:38.87
5 Dartmouth Weprin, Childers, Robinson, Reid 12:28.59 9:44.83 7:12.78 8:05.41
6 SUNY Geneseo Ruggles, Ivey, Sheridan, Andrews 10:18.61 9:49.15 7:51.32 11:11.64
7 Lynchburg Sparks, Lauffenberger, Hotung-Davidsen, Llaneza 9:37.23 9:55.08 9:43.18 9:13.43
8 MIT Hardart, Koe, Ilerbaig-Bajona, Wilson 12:51.10 9:57.75 12:15.24 9:15.91
9 TCNJ Rodriguez, Rychkov, Amoia, Christensen 9:05.55 9:59.50 12:35.37 9:29.53
10 Dartmouth
Weber, Matusz, Hadden, Norris 12:32.39 10:01.91 9:31.82 11:56.28
11 Emory Hedgepeth, Fost, Marcus, Watry 8:50.00 10:02.27 11:44.66 9:32.16
12 Lock Haven Stewart, Miller, Muthler, Krall 10:50.91 10:02.69 10:02.69 9:38.59
15 Syracuse Eovaldi, Malone, Segarra, Whetstone 10:27.88 10:15.56 9:38.63 12:18.68
16 Stonehill Cann, Drapeau, Hughes, McNamee 10:01.18 10:19.77 7:57.23 9:30.19
Men's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
13 Ithaca Whatley, Oczkowski, Wachs, Tiber 11:14.78 9:05.96 10:07.30 7:15.54 10:13.43 11:27.05 13:11.33
14 Coast Guard Weston, Loomis, Green, Samson 8:29.69 8:48.11 9:06.54 11:27.77 10:14.08 9:18.82 10:44.79
17 Hartford May, Joseph, Lamburn, Deal 9:01.15 10:09.57 12:38.86 8:05.17 10:22.01 10:09.57 8:30.05
18 Brockport St. Kressly, Derdzinski, Markle, Zavala 9:39.25 9:20.56 7:53.36 11:50.04 10:22.84 11:18.90 8:55.65
19 The Heartbreakers Henry, Edelman , Cleary, Cashin 12:48.27 13:32.71 12:48.27 13:45.41 10:34.93 10:53.98 12:22.87
20 St. John Fisher Allen, Andersen, Yeager, Ford 12:19.49 12:00.37 12:32.24 12:51.37 10:37.49 11:02.99 11:34.87
21 Eastern Conn. St. Linton, Lindquist, Stone, Stafford 10:18.66 11:42.43 9:14.21 8:35.55 10:44.43 8:54.88 13:19.10
22 Holy Cross Baker, Alfonso, Fay, McLaughlin 13:13.58 10:19.38 11:23.89 10:51.64 10:45.18 8:55.50 10:58.09
23 unattached Hagan, Dorrow, Swiesz, Labonte 11:59.62 7:53.26 12:25.55 14:02.79 10:48.30 7:33.81 13:17.41
24 GBTC Styring, Harris, Guertin, Finn 9:43.50 9:56.47 12:45.03 10:02.95 10:48.33 8:25.70 8:45.15
25 Boys Cardinals Track Club Rivers, Zeman, O'Keefe, Fondakowski 7:49.65 9:01.40 13:22.31 10:58.81 10:52.28 9:53.58 8:41.83
26 Northfield Mount Hermon Nevins, Detjens, Hanscom, Bullock 7:38.87 10:42.42 13:13.20 9:10.65 10:55.53 11:15.20 11:21.76
27 Colgate Marks, Perez, Rindfuss, Richards 11:18.93 8:34.14 11:25.52 13:30.76 10:59.15 9:40.06 11:38.70
28 Northeastern Club Running Onyejekwe, Gould, Nunes, Noone 14:47.34 14:33.14 10:17.59 12:39.56 11:49.87 10:31.79 8:38.21